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Ecommerce Masterclass
Using The Influencer Marketing Blueprint for your Ecommerce Store 利用網紅行銷擴大你的電商生意
01 - Introduction 介紹 (6:53)
02 - Market Research (Part 1) 市場調查(1) (22:31)
03 - Market Research (Part 2) 市場調查(2) (36:07)
04 - Market Research (Part 3) 市場調查(3) (10:09)
05 - Product Ads Validation 產品廣告驗證 (15:38)
06 - Crafting The Offer 精心製作報價 (12:27)
07 - Store Design Ideas 店鋪設計理念 (11:52)
08 - Instagram Promotion IG推廣 (3:30)
09 - Types of Influencers and Where to Find Them 網紅的類型以及在何處找到他們 (12:12)
10 - Contacting the Influencer 聯繫網紅 (1:06)
11 - How to Determine the Price 如何確定價格 (5:03)
12 - Instructions to Influencers 對網紅的指示 (16:01)
Understanding the Fundamentals of Google and Facebook Ads 理解臉書以及谷歌廣告的基本概念
01 - Search Engines 搜索引擎 (5:44)
02 - Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎優化 (27:56)
03 - Google Analytics 谷歌數據分析 (74:05)
04 - Google Merchant Center 谷歌商戶中心 (35:50)
05 - Google Ads Shopping 谷歌購物廣告 (8:20)
06 - Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing 谷歌廣告動態再營銷 (5:40)
07 - Google Ads Search 谷歌廣告搜索 (30:20)
08 - Optimizing Google Search and Shopping Campaigns 優化谷歌搜索和購物廣告系列 (10:15)
09 - BONUS #1 Ad Optimization 廣告優化 (21:27)
10 - Facebook Pixels 臉書像素 (4:07)
11 - Facebook & Instagram Ads 臉書和IG廣告 (5:32)
12 - BONUS #2 Persuasion and Ad Writing 有說服力的廣告撰寫 (61:25)
How to Build Your Ecommerce Store Using Wordpress 如何利用Wordpress建立你的缐上店
01 - Introduction to Wordpress Dropshipping 介紹利用Wordpress做直運 (1:52)
02 - Wordpress Dropshipping Links Wordpress 直運連結 (1:05)
03 - Dropshipping Web Hosting 直運網站託管 (0:40)
04 - Shopify vs Woocommerce (3:49)
05 - Product Research 產品調查 (89:28)
06 - Basics of Wordpress & Registering Domain Wordpress和註冊網站域的基礎 (32:25)
07 - Logo Creation 創建徽標 (11:30)
08 - Installing Wordpress & Email Setup 安裝Wordpress和電郵設置 (14:16)
09 - Installing SSL & Woocommerce 安裝SSL和Woocommerce (74:39)
10 - Installing Themes, Plugins and Configurations 安裝主題,插件和配置 (65:15)
11 - Customizing Designs 定制設計 (33:11)
12 - Importing Products from Aliexpress 從速賣通導入產品 (45:05)
02 - Wordpress Dropshipping Links Wordpress 直運連結
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